The pictures above are of our camp at Christainville. They give you the idea of how close our quarters were in the camp. They used every square inch of the land provided to put up tents. We were in one of the long white tents, the blue tents were for the lucky people that only had 4 -6 people in a tent.
They did a really good job on the bathrooms! There were flush toilets and water for the sinks, the water was treated but it was not safe to drink so you had to brush your teeth with bottled water. There were shower stalls with pretty decent flow of cold water. It actually felt good to take a cold shower at the end of the day. The showers were open every day from 4pm-9pm.
Our House Leader was with a large group from Florida so they had pink flamingos for each of the houses they were working on. On the last day we each signed the flamingo and gave it to the homeowner! The tradition is that on each anniversary on their move in date they are to put the flamingo in their yard!
I am nailing in the hurricane brackets on the roof trusses to help prevent the house from being destroyed in the event of another hurricane. The unfortunate problem with the hurricane brackets was the fact the nails were too large for the metal plates. So in the picture below you can see me using a punch and a hammer to make each hole in the hurricane bracket bigger so they could be nailed on the house. Each bracket had 8 nail holes and there must have been around 100 brackets. I am now well skilled in this area!!!

Our work day ended each day around 4pm with clean up starting at 3:15-3:30. We boarded the buses back to the camp. The big decision of the afternoon was whether or not to run the gauntlet to get to the shower before dinner or wait until after dinner. The shower right away felt better because you were so hot from being out in the sun all day but there was often a long line if you were not in the first bus. But showering after dinner was nice because you had the place pretty much to yourself but the water felt much colder!